How To Prevent The Top Cyber Attacks In 2021

What to do to avoid Cyber Security

Financial theft, data theft, identity theft, espionage, and other illegal activities over the internet are referred to as “cybercrime.”

Any illegal activity that includes or involves a computer, a wireless network, or a networked system is known as cybercrime. Profit-driven cybercriminals or hackers are responsible for the majority of cybercrime, although not everything. Individuals or organizations may commit cybercrime.

Some cybercriminals are well-organized, use advanced tactics, and have a high level of technical expertise. Others are new to the world of hacking. Cybercrime is rarely used to harm computers for any purpose other than profit. These may be personal or political.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) divides cybercrime into three categories: crimes involving network access, crimes involving the use of a computer as a weapon, such as launching a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, and crimes involving the use of a computer as an accessory to a crime, such as storing illegally obtained data on a computer.

The US has signed the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, which defines cybercrime as a broad range of malicious activities such as unauthorized data interception, computer interferences that endanger network integrity and functionality, and copyright infringements.

Different forms of cybercrime

Cybercrime is a growing issue.

Here are some basic examples of different types of cybercrime:

  • Email and internet fraud are two forms of fraud.
  • Theft of one’s identity is a serious issue (where personal information is stolen and used).
  • Theft of personal or financial details, such as credit card numbers.
  • Theft and selling of corporate data.
  • Internet-based extortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack).
  • Attacks by ransomware (a type of cyber extortion).
  • Cryptojacking is a form of cybercrime that involves (a type of cybercrime where hackers mine different cryptocurrencies using resources they do not own).
  • Cyberespionage is a form of cyberespionage that involves (where hackers access government or company data).

To damage or disable computers on the network, cybercriminals can infect them with viruses and malware. They might also use malware to delete or steal data. A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is a form of cybercrime that prevents users from accessing a device or network or a business from delivering software to its customers.

Cybercrime is described as the use of computers or networks to spread malware, illegal information, or illegal images. Cybercriminals often engage in several types of cybercrime at the same time. They could begin by spreading viruses to computers. Then utilize them to spread malware to other computers or over a network.

Cybercriminals may also use a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. This is similar to a DoS attack, but cybercriminals use many compromised computers to carry it out.

When a computer is used as an accessory to a crime, this is the third type of cybercrime defined by the US Department of Justice. One example is the use of a machine to store stolen data.

The United States has ratified the European Convention on Cybercrime. The convention casts a broad net, classifying a wide range of malicious computer-related crimes as cybercrime. Consider the example below:

  • Without permission, intercepting or stealing data.
  • Interfering with networks in such a way that they are jeopardized.
  • Copyright infringement.
  • Gambling is not legal.
  • Selling illicit goods on the internet.
  • Child pornography is being solicited, created, or possessed.

How Can You Avoid Becoming a Victim of Cybercrime

So, now that you’ve learned about the dangers of cybercrime, how do you keep your computer and personal information safe? Here are some of our top suggestions:

Updating the operating system and applications is essential.

When you upgrade your software and operating system, you gain access to your device’s most recent security patches. Always keep the antivirus program up to date. Antivirus software scans for threats, identify them, and removes them before they become a concern. This protection keeps your laptop and data safe from cybercriminals, giving you peace of mind. Make sure that your antivirus program is up to date if you want to get the most out of it.

Make sure your passwords are solid.

Use robust passwords that no one can guess, and never write them down—using a trustworthy password generator to generate strong passwords at random to make it easier.

Spam email attachments should be avoided at all costs.

Computers are often infected with malware and other cybercrime forms via email attachments in spam emails. Never open a branch from a source you don’t recognize.

Keep track of the URLs of the websites you visit regularly.

Keep an eye on the websites you’re using. Is it apparent that they are genuine? Avoid clicking on URLs that seem to be spammy or unfamiliar. Make sure your internet security software has the functionality to secure online transactions before performing financial transactions.

How can a business safeguard itself against cybercrime

The most common way for companies to be targeted is by their workers. Staff is the weakest link in the security chain, as hackers are well aware. As a result, an internal cybersecurity strategy is essential, especially employee training on best practices. An effective cybersecurity plan must include a defense-in-depth approach. A disaster and data recovery plan, effective penetration testing, endpoint security, regular backups, and updated applications are only a few of the safeguards.

Cybercrime’s Effect on Businesses

The actual cost of cybercrime is difficult to determine. McAfee conducted a report on the economic impact of cybercrime in 2018, projecting a cost to the global economy of $600 billion per year, up from $45 billion in 2014. Although financial losses from cybercrime can be significant, criminal cyberattacks can also have the following devastating consequences for businesses:

  • Harm to investor confidence due to a security breach will result in a drop in a company’s valuation.
  • As a result of a cyberattack, businesses could face higher borrowing costs and difficulty raising additional capital, as well as potential share price declines.
  • If sensitive consumer data is lost, businesses that fail to protect their customers’ data can face fines and penalties. As a result of the data breach, companies could face legal action.
  • Customers’ confidence in a company’s ability to keep their financial data safe after a cyberattack is affected by its damaged brand identity and reputation. Companies lose their current customers and their ability to attract new ones after a cyberattack.
  • Businesses can also incur direct costs due to a criminal cyberattack, such as increased insurance rates and the expense of hiring cybersecurity companies to manage incident response and remediation, as well as public relations and other related services.

Cybercrime’s Effect on National Defense

Since cybercrime can affect public health and national security, it is a top priority for the Department of Justice. The Cyber Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the Department of Justice division charged with combating cybercrime in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has made strengthening cyberspace’s safety and resilience a top priority. Agencies like the US Secret Service (USSS) and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have dedicated cybercrime divisions. The United States Secret Service’s Electronic Crimes Task Force (ECTF) investigates cases involving electronic crimes, especially attacks on the country’s financial and critical infrastructures. The USSS administers the National Computer Forensics Institute (NCFI), which provides computer forensics training to state and local law enforcement, judges, and prosecutors. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which is responsible to collects anonymous complaints from victims of internet crimes or interested third parties, is a collaboration between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).


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